I figured I would add a final (probably) entry after one year. Here's what I can tell you after 12 months of recovery.
My elbow will never be the same as it was prior to surgery. No matter how much I rest or rehabilitate it, it just won't be perfect and I have accepted that fact.
A few months ago I ended up going back to my doctor. I was still having soreness (kind of a pulling sensation), fairly significant, after some strenuous exercise. Basically every time I played hockey. My doctor's response was blunt. He said (paraphrasing): you are pushing 40 years old and are playing hockey with two surgically repaired elbows. If you want it to stop hurting, stop playing hockey.
That is something I refuse to do as it is one of the few things that truly brings me joy in life.
He suggested ice and ibuprophen after physical activity. He hypothesized that the discomfort I was feeling was due to scar tissue that had built up in the elbow. He also offered to send me for physical therapy but I refused because of previous bad experiences I have had with physical therapy. I found it was a waste of my time and money.
And that was that. Besides hockey, I have done practically nothing to exert my elbow. So now that my season is over until June, I decided to start doing pullups and pushups. I can handle about ten pullups right now before the pulling sensation in my elbow becomes too great. Pretty good, I think. Encouraging. I hope I can continue to increase repetitions and work through that scar tissue, building strength...because that is something I truly lack now due to my two surgeries: strength.
I can still do just about anything. I just have to do it in moderation or the pulling and soreness returns. I have full mobility. I can still pick up my daughter...although she is growing like a weed. I can still do housework and home improvement projects.
So all in all, I really can't complain. I can still do most everything I want to do. I just have to deal with the minor inconvenience of soreness and lack of strength. The latter I hope will improve with more time.