Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 1: Day of Surgery, First Day of Recovery

Surgery was today around noon.  It lasted between 60 and 90 minutes.  I spent approximately 1 hour in the recovery room.

I am in a sling and the incision is covered.  My hand and exposed arm is covered with a sticky yellow substance which is some kind of disinfectant used for the surgery.  I was prescribed an antibiotic as well. I can't remember if I will be in this sling for two or three weeks total.  Will update once I talk to my doctor. 

It is now 7:30pm and I am not in any pain.  I remember that I did not have any pain either when I had my right arm done.  What does concern me is that my ring and pinkie fingers are numb and tingling.  In fact I don't seem to have any feeling at all in my pinkie.  This did not happen last time.  In fact, I remember my doctor asked me during my first post-op visit if I was feeling any numbness or tingling.  When I said "no" he indicated that was a good sign.  So now I am wondering if this is a bad sign.  My first post-op visit is scheduled for Thursday.  I guess I will find out then. But I plan on calling my doctor on Monday and letting him know.. so maybe I'll have an answer before Thursday.

Speaking of Thursday, I will be getting my stitches out that day.  I find it amazing that this is done a mere 6 days after surgery.  


PS It sucks typing with one hand!


  1. I hurt horribly the first night and wasn't allowed to take pain meds until 6am...something about when I came off anesthesia??

  2. First day post op - fingers very numb and arm in a sling. Some pain but I took a pain killer so it’s tolerable. I can move my fingers but it’s weird. Really tired because of the early morning start - home alone which scares me a bit. Standing up very slowly so I don’t tumble. Got some beef jerky for protein and slamming down water. Hope to sleep okay 🙏. Can make be my fingers a limited range - also had carpal tunnel release. Onward

  3. Also the cast is fairly substantial and alive the elbow!!!!!

  4. Should say “above the elbow” - like I said I’m pretty woozy......

  5. Did you have submuscular or subcutaneous?


Questions? I am not a doctor but this is my second time having ulnar nerve transposition surgery. I am happy to answer any questions you may have based on my experiences.