Saturday, May 23, 2015

5 Weeks Post-Op

Nothing really new to report.  Just about 100% mobility.  Increased tenderness in elbow area now that I'm moving my arm a lot more.  Still wearing a wrist brace which has become quite annoying.  My next follow-up is in about a week.  Hoping I will be brace-free at that time.

1 comment:

  1. This is where I am now. I have full range of motion in my elbow. It's still sore and still feels bruised when I put pressure on it. I couldn't care less about the numbness in my elbow. However, I'm still numb in my pinkie and side of my hand. And I have nerve pain that shoots through my pinkie that hurts terribly. I don't have full use of my hand. I can't cup it or wrap my pinkie and ring finger around a ball. My whole hand gets stiff easily. I'm assuming it's because 3 fingers are doing the work of 5. I cant grasp a door knob or open a bag of cereal. If I flatten my hand and press down, it's excrutiating. I'm quite frustrated. I go back next week for a 6-week check. I'm asking to see a physical therapist for my hand.


Questions? I am not a doctor but this is my second time having ulnar nerve transposition surgery. I am happy to answer any questions you may have based on my experiences.