Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 15: Two Weeks Post-Op

Nothing really new to report.  Still in a sling until I see my doctor again next week (Day 20).

I am unfortunately getting careless.  I find myself starting to use my hand for things like tying a trash bag and such.  I suppose it's a good thing that it is feeling so good that my body wants me to use it.  Can't wait to straighten it.

Steri-strips are still holding tight.  Hair starting to grow back around incision.  Will update again after my next appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Still hanging - bored as hell and stuck because I can’t drive. Of course I should be thankful that I can afford the surgery and that I have a decent place to recover. On the bright side, I have noticed that I’m ignoring my arm. i.e. , it’s not bothering me. This is good news, before the surgery I was afraid to move my arm because it would feel like it was on fire!!!! Hopefully, this is the first indication that the surgery was a good decision. Now I really haven’t moved my elbow in two weeks so I’m withholding getting too excited....The doctor told me to start making fists with my hand. This week I’m hoping to move my elbow and I’ll be getting the stitches out. Still concerned that I may have to move the nerve on my right arm - hopefully not!!!!! Pain is minimal....😁


Questions? I am not a doctor but this is my second time having ulnar nerve transposition surgery. I am happy to answer any questions you may have based on my experiences.