Saturday, May 30, 2015

6 Weeks Post-Op

Went back to my surgeon this week for a followup visit.  I no longer need to wear the wrist brace.  Was told to still refrain from all activity (he again used the phrase "don't lift anything heavier than a half a cup of coffee). This is much easier said than done.

The fact is the elbow feels great after six weeks.  I keep catching myself using my arm more than I should.  I worry that I am going to forget that I need to rest the arm and wind up using it for something that damages it. My surgeon suggested wearing the sling or brace as a reminder to take it easy...but I won't.

Elbow is tender to the touch.  I also feel mild pain when I experience resistance (like when I push my hands together while washing them).  But again, overall the elbow feels great.  I just have to focus on taking it easy and letting it heal completely.

Summer has begun so I need to cover my scar while outside and probably put sunscreen on it if I plan to be in the sun for an extended period of time.

My next appointment is in another six weeks.  I may not post again until then since there isn't a whole lot to report.


  1. Brace is off - I’m moving the elbow and the hand again. Everything is stiff but functional. I did notice my hand looks old - probably have muscle atrophy. I’m hoping at least that I stopped the bleeding. Still numb in the fingers and left side of my hand - be brave and hang in there. Occasionally, get some pain in my fingers - I’m hoping everything gets back to sort of normal. Thing is I didn’t even know my hand was in that bad of shape. Bottom line - keep on this if it happens and get help.... it’s nothing to mess with. All in all it’s not too bad. Peace


Questions? I am not a doctor but this is my second time having ulnar nerve transposition surgery. I am happy to answer any questions you may have based on my experiences.